Rachel Gutierrez has been a specialist artistic and natural style wedding photographer for over 20 years. She is regularly all over Sydney, Hunter Valley and Blue Mountains, and at times interstate and overseas. We asked from her extensive experience, for her top 5 wedding tips, to achieve premium wedding photography results.

bridal gown top sydney wedding photographer, brides of beecroft

1. Most important among wedding tips: Pick professional and experienced vendors in the wedding areas that are most important to you, and you can trust them to do their job well.

For my own wedding- I knew the photographer was our key to remembering every detail, face, and memory I had at my wedding for the rest of my life. I had one shot at this and flew my photographer in from South America and booked their top package. It was amazing. However I didn’t need car hire, and my friend made the cake as our wedding gift. For others it may be wedding venue or upgrading to the dress of their dreams. Perhaps a band for epic party reception vibes. It’s your personal choice.

Invest in professionalism in the areas that are most important to you to create the best memories.

bridal gown top sydney wedding photographer, brides of beecroft

2. Allow for unexpected weather. No matter what the day offers, embrace it, and end of the day it still would have been very special.

When people have a specific day’s light or weather in mind, it can naturally be upsetting when it’s not exactly as “planned”.

We can’t control the weather so don’t let it upset you. A pro photographer can use the raindrops, umbrellas, storm clouds and make some very romantic and dramatic imagery.

Tips: If it’s wet weather, your professional photographer should have a strong backup plan that still highlights your style of day.

Pack umbrellas. These could be playful colours or plain, just as long as they don’t have logos. If abnormally hot- suited wedding party members should have a spare shirt suit for after the photo shoot, women touch up makeup, plus plenty of water for the wedding party.

bridal gown top sydney wedding photographer, brides of beecroft

3. Check in with your photographer to see what they suggest if you haven’t locked everything down yet. If experienced, they will have a wealth of knowledge you can use.

I personally offer scheduling assistance to my couples as they haven’t usually planned a wedding before. After listening to their preferences I would suggest timelines that allow for sufficient time to get amazing photos. This includes suggestions for the best light golden hour/sunset whilst making sure guests haven’t been waiting too long and enough time for mingling and traffic etc. An unstressed wedding party means better photography results. Because of this I love to pass on ideas to consider when asked.

bridal gown top sydney wedding photographer, brides of beecroft

4. Choose a wedding style that highlights your interests and personalities. It makes you not only feel amazing but also gives your guests a special and unique experience.

Be it Urban chic, Classical elegance, Quirky, Boho, Fresh beach style, what have you, have consistency of that style in your choice of dress, florals, props, photo shoot locations and reception decor. Because you are having the time of your lives surrounded by details that you love your photographer will be able to use those surrounding elements to further personalise your wedding images for you to cherish.

bridal gown top sydney wedding photographer, brides of beecroft

5. Make sure your photographer has all important details and family groupings list, plus has a wet backup plan. Take off your watch, enjoy your day, and be guided by your photographer when to move to keep to schedule.

As long as they are professional, they can make sure everything you requested is captured before their session is ended. A relaxed couple who knows their professional photographer has their back and wedding guests in mind, are definitely much easier to photograph, naturally relaxed, having the time of their lives.


All the best for an amazing wedding celebration, with incredible heirloom images to show future generations!

bridal gown top sydney wedding photographer, brides of beecroft

You are warmly welcome to get in touch to let me know all about your plans. Feel free to reach out and ask any questions at all. I would be honoured to get to know you two, assist with any planning and capture this moment for you.



Gowns by Brides of Beecroft